*grumble grumble* Mondays

Mondays are the worst. You’ve just gotten into the cycle of getting relaxing sleep when you have to break it just so you can go to work and make money so you have a nice bed to sleep in. Personally, I’m just glad coffee was discovered. Otherwise I’d be fired and homeless… my fuse is …

Maximum the Hormone

Over the weekend i was introduced to this band. I’ve been listening to them in my car pretty much non-stop now. I just wish that iTunes wasn’t filled with fail and had actually copied my songs over to my server like it’s supposed to (according to the “Keep Organized” and “Copy Files to Library” options …

Websense, I despise YOU

The place of my employment uses Websense to make sure all its’ worker bees stay on track and don’t look at naughty pictures while they are working. Understandable, let me assure you. I’m in no way saying I should be able to look at adult material while at work. What I am saying, is that …

Buckets of Popcorn

It was a lazy day, it was amazing grace, it was a half-a-dozen claymores daisy-chained. Sometimes Aesop Rock lyrics are like audio cocaine. Not really sure why, but when i hear that line my brain melts a little. I don’t think that me being at work bored out of my mind helps much. Today is …

New monitor

I got up at an ungodly hour this morning.. 4am.. I’d never done any shopping on Black Friday. And i don’t think i ever will again. The consumer hordes were out in mass this morning. We (Zach, Lakira, Brian(Bryan?), Frank, and I) decided to go to Wal-Mart first, just because we knew it was open. …

Browser Comparison

At work, we’re pretty much restricted to using Internet Explorer 6. I’m a rebel and use Firefox anyway. There are lots of free alternatives to Internet Explorer on the internet. But why use them? What advantages do they have over what comes default on most machines people buy? Lets break it down into three categories; …